Proprietorship to Pvt Ltd Company
Accounting & Tax
Converting a sole proprietorship to a private limited company is a significant step for business owners seeking to expand, gain more liability protection, and access new opportunities. This transition involves several legal and operational changes.
Types of audit and assurance services:

Accurately account for the transfer of assets and liabilities from the proprietorship to the private limited company. This includes revaluing assets and recognizing any capital gains or losses.

Conduct a thorough valuation of the proprietorship’s assets and liabilities to determine the appropriate share capital and ownership structure for the private limited company.

Address the tax implications of the transition, including potential capital gains tax, GST considerations, and the transfer of any tax benefits or liabilities from the proprietorship to the new company.

A statutory audit is mandatory for private limited companies to ensure that the financial statements provide a true and fair view of the company's financial position and comply with the Companies Act.

An internal audit assesses the effectiveness of internal controls, risk management, and governance processes within the private limited company, helping to identify and mitigate risks.

A tax audit verifies the accuracy of income tax returns and ensures compliance with applicable tax laws, identifying any discrepancies or areas for improvement in tax reporting and compliance.

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